Data Mesh Architecture Applied to Complex Organizations

Large financial enterprises often grapple with the challenges of complex data landscapes, ranging from managing petabytes of data produced, increasing regulatory compliance requirements and meeting the needs of different consumers. Data Warehouse and Data Lakes have been successful in many ways but Data Mesh now offers a different approach to solve the problems of producing and managing data of relevance to use cases accessing data in different ways. The presentation looks at the basic construct of a data mesh and how one might go about applying it


Nandakumar Heble

Data Architect @UBS, Previously @Barclays, Over 25+ Years of Experience

Data Architect with many years of experience architecting and designing data applications in multiple domains. I have been involved in architecting and building next generation data warehouses and operational data applications on Hadoop and the cloud. More recently, I headed the data architecture and governance practice in UBS – Investment Banking. I am now involved in the ambitious initiative of building a Data Mesh in UBS.

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Wednesday Apr 10 / 03:55PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Fleming (3rd Fl.)


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