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Unconference: Connecting Systems
An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. Attendees come together, bringing their challenges and relying on the experience and know-how of their peers for solutions. A professional facilitator is also there to help keep the discussion moving forward, but where it goes is up to the participants.
It’s a facilitated peer group that avoids the hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference, such as a top-down organization. Only the broad themes are predetermined. Everything else is just space for attendees to sound off ideas together, relate to shared challenges and rewards, and identify new ideas and goals.
Our unconference sessions have been based on the Open Space Technology and Lean Coffee format since 2006.
From the same track
Modernizing in Healthcare – From On-Prem to the Cloud
Tuesday Apr 9 / 02:45PM BST
Change is hard. Changing an industry as complex as Healthcare is doubly hard. With conflicting interests, complicated synchronization practices, diverse api integration requirements and an aging, overly complex application, our path from on-prem to cloud-native was not simple.
Leander Vanderbijl
Senior Engineer @Livi, Previously Principal Engineer @Informa, 13 Years Developing, Managing, and Integrating Diverse Online Systems and Applications
Modernizing in Healthcare – From On-Prem to the Cloud
gRPC Migration Automation at LinkedIn
Tuesday Apr 9 / 11:45AM BST
LinkedIn is in the process of migrating from, an internally developed open source framework for building RESTful APIs to gRPC for better framework capabilities, runtime efficiency, and developer productivity.
Karthik Ramgopal
Distinguished Engineer & Tech Lead of the Product Engineering Team @LinkedIn, 15+ Years of Experience in Full-Stack Software Development
Min Chen
Principal Staff Software Engineer @LinkedIn, Caltech CS PhD With Over 20-Year Extensive Software Development Experience
gRPC Migration Automation at LinkedIn
Production Comes First - An Outside-In Approach to Building Microservices
Tuesday Apr 9 / 05:05PM BST
The software world is moving towards multiple interconnected applications that service our customer needs, but this makes development so much harder. Now we need to think about how were interact we other systems that we don't necessarily own.
Martin Thwaites
Developer & Developer Advocate, Observability Activist
Production Comes First - An Outside-In Approach to Building Microservices
Long running
Are You Done Yet? Mastering Long-Running Processes in Modern Architectures
Tuesday Apr 9 / 10:35AM BST
Navigating the challenges of long-running processes is an important skill to survive modern architecture. The complexities arise from the growing distribution of systems and the need to address issues related to remote communication and the unavailability of peers.
Bernd Ruecker
Co-Founder and Chief Technologist @Camunda
Are You Done Yet? Mastering Long-Running Processes in Modern Architectures
Sidecar-Less or Sidecars for Your Applications in Istio Service Mesh?
Tuesday Apr 9 / 01:35PM BST
Sidecar-less functionality has emerged as an alternative approach in service mesh architectures, addressing concerns related to costs and complexity associated with sidecars.
Lin Sun
Open Source, Istio TOC Member, CNCF TAG Network Cochair & Ambassador
Sidecar-Less or Sidecars for Your Applications in Istio Service Mesh?