Session APIs

Scaling API Independence: Mocking, Contract Testing & Observability in Large Microservices Environments

Wednesday Apr 9 / 01:35PM BST

Microservices promise faster deployments and team autonomy. In reality, engineers are often blocked waiting for APIs, dealing with broken sandboxes, or wrangling test environments.

Speaker image - Tom Akehurst

Tom Akehurst

CTO and Co-Founder @WireMock, 20+ Years Building Enterprise Systems

Session architecture

Platforms for Secure API Connectivity With Architecture as Code

Wednesday Apr 9 / 03:55PM BST

As microservices and complex platforms become the standard, ensuring secure connectivity while maintaining a smooth developer experience is a significant challenge. Traditional security models often introduce friction, slowing down innovation and deployment.

Speaker image - James Gough

James Gough

Distinguished Engineer, API Platform Lead Architect @Morgan Stanley, Co-Author of Optimizing Java

Session networking

Hybrid Cloud-Native Networking in Enterprise - Some Assembly Required

Tuesday Apr 8 / 03:55PM BST

Delivering a 'useful' network in the typical enterprise has always been challenging. Whether it's the rush to containerization, business goals around accelerated value delivery or regulatory pressure to be multi-cloud or even resurrect your own data centers, that job keeps getting harder.

Speaker image - Louis Ryan

Louis Ryan

CTO @solo.io, Co-Creator of Istio and gRPC

Session resiliency

Timeouts, Retries and Idempotency In Distributed Systems

Wednesday Apr 9 / 10:35AM BST

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again” - this quote attributed to Einstein warns us of the danger of magical thinking, hoping that trying something just one more time will achieve success when before we failed. But is this really insanity?

Speaker image - Sam Newman

Sam Newman

Microservice, Cloud, CI/CD Expert, Author of "Building Microservices" and "Monolith to Microservices", 20+ Years Experience as a Developer