Data Architecture

Session Data Architecture

Beyond the Warehouse: Why BigQuery Alone Won’t Solve Your Data Problems

Wednesday Apr 9 / 03:55PM BST

Many organizations mistake the adoption of a data warehouse, like BigQuery, as the golden ticket to solving all their data challenges. But without a robust data strategy and architecture, you’re simply shifting chaos into the cloud.

Speaker image - Sarah Usher

Sarah Usher

Data & Backend Engineer, Community Director, Mentor

Session Data Architecture

Reliable Data Flows and Scalable Platforms: Tackling Key Data Challenges

Wednesday Apr 9 / 10:35AM BST

There are a few common and mostly well-known challenges when architecting for data. For example, many data teams struggle to move data in a stable and reliable way from operational systems to analytics systems.

Speaker image - Matthias Niehoff

Matthias Niehoff

Head of Data and Data Architecture @codecentric AG, iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture