The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

What does it take to reach senior leadership in tech? Whether aiming for the IC path to Distinguished Engineer or leading teams as a CTO, this track is for you. We'll explore the skills and strategies needed to thrive, no matter the direction you choose. We'll cover everything from leaping IC and management — and even back again — to building a career that can withstand the ups and downs. Expect truthful talks and real-world insights from those who've been there.

From this track

Session leadership

The Principal Engineer’s Path: Skills, Strategies, and Lessons Learned

Monday Apr 7 / 10:35AM BST

In many organizations, the role of Principal Engineer is considered the highest level of the ‘individual contributor’ career path. But careers aren’t like ladders—short, straight, and evenly spaced. Instead, they’re long, winding, and often challenging journeys.

Speaker image - Sophie Weston

Sophie Weston

Principal Engineer @ClearBank, Co-Organizer of DevOpsDays London & FastFlowConf


How to Always Get Invited to Big Strategic Conversations

Monday Apr 7 / 11:45AM BST

Ever heard “you’re a great engineer/manager, but to get to the next level, you need to focus on the big picture and your business impact”? Early on in our careers, we focus on technical depth and excellence.

Speaker image - Mark Allen

Mark Allen

Engineering Leader and Technical Co-Founder, Over 10 Years Experience Growing Managers and Senior Engineers

Session software engineering

Changing Power Dynamics: What Senior Engineers Can Learn From Junior Engineers

Monday Apr 7 / 01:35PM BST

In many engineering teams, senior engineers make the decisions and are responsible for mentoring and teaching junior team members. This rigid hierarchical dynamic can stifle innovation, discourage fresh perspectives, and create barriers to collaboration. How can we change this?

Speaker image - Beth Anderson

Beth Anderson

Principal Software Engineer @BBC Digital Distribution


Unconference: The Path to Senior Engineering Leadership

Monday Apr 7 / 02:45PM BST

Session Engineering Management

Scaling to 100+ as a Director: Lessons From Growing Engineering Organizations

Monday Apr 7 / 03:55PM BST

When I took on the Director of Engineering role at Nubank, I had no idea just how many times I’d need to reinvent my leadership style.

Speaker image - Thiago Ghisi

Thiago Ghisi

Director of Engineering @Nubank & Co-Host of @EngAdvicePod, Previously @Apple & @ThoughtWorks


Shine Bright as an IC: Growing Yourself As Your Company Grows

Monday Apr 7 / 05:05PM BST

Being part of a growing company is a fantastic opportunity to level yourself as an individual very rapidly, if you choose to grasp it. You've already immersed yourself with context and you might be the go to person for a key area of the organization.

Speaker image - Suhail Patel

Suhail Patel

Senior Staff Engineer @Monzo Leading the Platform and Data Functions, Previously @Citymapper

Track Host

Leandro Guimarães

Senior Engineering Manager @ClassPass, former Chair of QCon in Brazil

Leandro is a Senior Engineering Manager at ClassPass and has been working in software development for over 24 years, accumulating experience in leading and managing high-performance teams. He was part of the QCon São Paulo committee for 6 years, serving as the chair of QCon in Brazil in its last 3 editions.

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