Resilient Engineering Practices for Security Against Modern Threats

Software supply chains, composed of diverse tools, dependencies, and collaborative workflows, have become critical targets for malicious actors. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in open-source components, CI/CD pipelines, and automated engineering processes, exposing organizations to significant risks. Resilience in this context demands a shift from reactive defenses to proactive strategies that integrate security directly into engineering workflows, ensuring vulnerabilities are addressed before they can be exploited.

From this track


Trust No One: Securing the Modern Software Supply Chain with Zero Trust

Can you truly trust your software supply chain? As cloud-native software development surges, threat actors increasingly target the supply chain, exploiting vulnerabilities in CI/CD pipelines, dependencies, and container images.

Speaker image - Emma Yuan Fang

Emma Yuan Fang

Senior Cloud Security Architect @EPAM, DevSecOps, Cloud Security Advocate, Strategist and Public Speaker, Ex-Microsoft, CISSP


Secure by Design: Building Security into Engineering Workflows and Teams

Security doesn't have to be a blocker- it can be an enabler. In this session, we’ll explore how to seamlessly integrate secure development practices into engineering workflows while fostering a culture of collaboration and shared ownership.

Speaker image - Stefania Chaplin

Stefania Chaplin

Solutions Architect @GitLab


Securing AI Copilots: Including Supply Chain Security in AI Strategy

Details coming soon.

Speaker image - Andra Lezza

Andra Lezza

Principal Application Security Engineer @Sage, Co-Leader OWASP London Chapter, and, Bulb, and Worldpay


Tuesday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST


Track Host

Sonya Moisset

Staff Security Advocate @Snyk

Sonya is a Staff Security Advocate and a lifelong traveler who has lived in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. Always looking for new challenges, she made a career change from International Business Consultant in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore to Full-Stack Software Engineer in South Korea to Cybersecurity in the United Kingdom.

Sonya is a DevSecOps/Cloud Security Advocate and a public speaker in the world tech scene. She is also a mentor for women in tech, a cybersecurity writer for FreeCodeCamp publications, 4x GitHub Stars, and an active member of the tech community in the UK.

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