Join the track's speakers to go deeply about their perspectives on how Architecture will evolve.

Rebecca Parsons
CTO @Thoughtworks
Dr. Rebecca Parsons is Thoughtworks' CTO. She has more years of experience than she’d like to admit in technology and large-scale software development. She recently co-authored the book Building Evolutionary Architectures with colleagues Neal Ford and Pat Kua.
Before ThoughtWorks she worked as an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Central Florida, after completing a Director's Post Doctoral Fellowship at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her interests include parallel and distributed computation, programming languages, domain specific languages, evolutionary architecture, genetic algorithms, and computational science.
Rebecca received a BS in Computer Science and Economics from Bradley University, and both an MS and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University.
Find Rebecca Parsons at:

Thomas Betts
Laureate Application Architect @Blackbaud, Lead Editor for Architecture & Design @InfoQ
Thomas Betts is the Lead Editor for Architecture and Design at InfoQ, a co-host of the InfoQ Podcast, and a Laureate Software Architect at Blackbaud. For over two decades, his focus has always been on providing software solutions that delight his customers. He has worked in a variety of industries, including social good, retail, finance, health care, defense and travel. Thomas lives in Denver with his wife and son, and they love hiking and otherwise exploring beautiful Colorado.
Find Thomas Betts at:

Rosemary Wang
Author - Infrastructure as Code Patterns & Practices, Engineer - Cloud & DevOps, and Developer Advocate @Hashicorp
As the author of Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices, Rosemary Wang works to bridge the technical and cultural barriers between infrastructure, security, and application development. She has a fascination for solving intractable problems as a contributor, public speaker, writer, and advocate of open source infrastructure tools. When she is not drawing on whiteboards, Rosemary debugs stacks of various infrastructure systems on her laptop while watering her houseplants.